What is DHEA?
DHEA stands for dehydroepiandrosterone. DHEA is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA is also manufactured in the brain. Dehydroepiandrosterone , also called androstenolone or as prasterone, is an endogenous steroid hormone. Science does not yet know exactly what DHEA does. DHEA levels start to decrease around age 30. Some uses for DHEA are weight loss, arthritis, skin conditions such as psoriasis, and to fight depression and fatigue.
Some researchers believe that DHEA may help with the treatment of depression, osteoporosis , and obesity.
DHEA is also believed to help with hormonal disorders, Lupus, and sexual function.

NONE of the above benefits can be substantiated.
Side effects in woman may range from oily skin to a deep voice, unnatural hair growth, smaller breast size, increased genital size, and irregular periods.
Side effects in men may range from urinary urgency, tender breasts, and smaller testes, aggression,.
Common side effects may be acne, nausea, headache, sleeping problems, itchy skin, and changes in mood.
Some researchers believe that DHEA may increase the risk of prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers.

Does DHEA Work?
No. There are no clinical or scientific studies that prove that DHEA works. I could not find even one study that supported DHEA as being beneficial for weight loss.
Like nearly all diet pills and products, DHEA does NOT work. I give it two thumbs down.
If you feel that you must use DHEA, see your health care professional first.
Thank you for reading, my friends, I wish you success on losing weight.
Kind Regards,
George Pierce
Founder Win At Losing Weight

