
A contact a day keeps the pounds away!

Accountability is an important ingredient in a successful weight loss plan.  Below are 7 ways that will help you with this important aspect of losing weight and maintaining weight loss.

Make a daily contact with:

#1: Someone you know (or do not know), in person or via telephone, email, weight loss forum, weight loss community, social media, weight loss diary or journal, public venue, etc.    

BEFORE you make contact #1, make contact with:

#2:  Your bathroom scale.  Daily fluctuations can be frustrating, but daily weighing helps to prevent your weight from creeping back.

tape measure

#3:  Your tape measure.  Daily measurements help with maintenance and also while you are in the 'losing weight' stage.  Sometimes when we think that our weight has hit a plateau, we are simply regaining heavier muscle mass but still losing inches.

#4:  Your food diary or journal.  You can use your diary to keep track of what you are doing and your progress.  You can also use it to write down what you will eat that day, before you eat it.

#5:  Your weight loss goals and objectives, both short and long term.  You will be reminding yourself where you are going to help yourself maintain focus.

#6:  Your fitness log.  This can be as simple as checking off the days that you exercise.  You can also keep track of  fitness goals and milestones.  

#7:  Your weight loss app.  Most weight loss apps are like having a personal trainer.  Click for my pick of the top weight loss apps.  

weight loss journaling on laptop

(Go back to #1) 

Now make your phone call or send an email or make a post or meet a friend, etc. and make your daily results public.  You can also use that someone for help and support.  Even if your contact is a stranger, a strong bond will develop and one of the benefits will be to help you to be accountable and to stay on track.

My friends, I thank you for reading and wish you much success on your weight loss journey.

Free Pedometer App!

Click for a Free Pedometer App from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 

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