The Benefits Of Water
Why should you drink at least eight glasses of water per day?
Water is probably the best natural health and beauty product available! Water will give you younger skin, as well as shinier hair and a healthier body.
15 reasons to drink lots of water!
#1: Helps You To Lose weight
Water is an aid to losing weight. Water helps to curb your appetite and make you feel fuller so you will eat less, Water is also believed to increase your metabolism. Water contains zero calories.
#2: Relieves fatigue
If you feel fatigued or sluggish, water will perk you up.
#3: Increases energy
Water boosts your energy levels.
#4: Improves Clarity
Our brain is mostly water, so drinking lots of water helps our thinking and our ability to focus and concentrate.
#5: Removes toxins
Our toxins are removed by sweat, urination, and stools. Water helps all these processes work best. Water also reduces our risk of kidney stones.
#6: Better Skin
Water improves our complexion by moisturizing our skin.
#7: Removes wrinkles
Water is a natural anti-aging treatment which helps to reduce or eliminate wrinkles.
#8: Promotes regularity
Water helps to keep things moving through our large intestine. Water bonds with fiber to add bulk to our stools, speed up transit time, and make elimination easier. Not drinking enough water makes our colon pull water from our stools which causes constipation.
#9: Flushes our system
Water aids the liver and kidneys by helping flush our bodies.
#10 Improves our immunity
Drinking plenty of water helps reduce cancer, heart attacks, fight the flu, and be less likely to get sick.
#11: Eliminate headaches including migraines
Water naturally hydrates our body and brain. Staying hydrated may eliminate headaches and migraines. If you get a headache, two glasses of water should give you total relief in about 30 minutes.
#12: Protect our joints
Water keeps the cartilage around our joints lubricated. It also protects our spinal column.
#13: Ease our emotions
A warm bath provides physical warmth which can relate to emotional warmth. A warm bath is also believed to activate a hormone called oxytocin which gives us a feeling of being relaxed.
#14: Helps prevent colds
Gargling water (in a study of 400 people), was found to reduce or eliminate upper respiratory infections.
#15: Improves mood
Drinking water literally makes us feel refreshed which improves our state of mind and thus improves our mood. Dehydration has been shone to negatively affect our mood.
My Story:
I love water, I sincerely prefer water
over any other beverage. But it was not always that way.
I used to love Pepsi and Coke and Sprite and so on. When I discovered how much sugar that these drinks contain and so many other drinks, as well, I tried to wean myself off sodas and replace them with water.
Each soda that I could give up daily meant another pound of weight loss (see Lose Weight Without Dieting), so cutting down or cutting out soda made good sense.
I still like Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, etc., but I really want water and not the other drinks. Somehow, water became delicious. I do not know why or how I came to love water, but I understand that I am not alone. Many others have had the same experience, so I hope the same will happen for you.
Water has so many healthful benefits and most other beverages have harmful benefits, so I urge you to give water a chance.
Water Filtration Systems:
For our planet's sake, I opted to get a water filtration system.
I have well water with iron so I opted for a Water Logic System. It was being advertised on one of those TV sales networks. They promised that it would make the best water that I had ever tasted or my money back. I tried it and I do love it and the water that it makes is the best that I have ever tasted.
I also love the fact that I am not using thousands of plastic water bottles each year.
I thank you for reading and wish you success on your weight loss journey.
Kind regards,
George Pierce
Win At Losing Weight Founder