Raspberry Ketone(RK) may stimulate the body's production of adiponectin, which is a hormone that improves your ability to metabolize fat and help regulate your weight.
What Is Raspberry Ketone?
RK is a chemical. This chemical is made from raspberries. A synthetic version can also be manufactured. Contrary to what you may read, Raspberry Ketone is an aroma compound used primarily (Pre-Dr. Oz) in the food industry, the perfume industry, and cosmetics. The FDA considers it SAFE. The yield of natural Raspberry Ketone compound is very low, so the price is extremely high, thus the synthetic compound is widely used. Other uses are for weight loss, hair loss, and obesity.
Some people claim to have lost weight with Raspberry Ketone.
The expensive natural compound is made from raspberries which means that you will acquire some of the added benefits of raspberries such as being high in anti-oxidants.
Hopefully you will combine your intake of RK with diet and exercise, which are a huge help for weight loss and lots more health benefits.
Some RK users claim to have an increase in energy and awareness.
Raspberry Ketone has not been proven to be of help for weight loss in humans. There is no proof, no research and no clinical studies to validate RK as having any benefit regarding weight loss. The only studies are in mice. The results were encouraging and showed that RK inhibited fat absorption and reduced overall weight. Unfortunately, it is a far stretch to say that this will work on humans.
If Raspberry Ketone is such a "miracle in a bottle", several studies would already have been made to prove its effectiveness.
Side Effects:
Most sources claim that there are no side effects or that there is not enough evidence about possible side effects.
Does not work?
Some RK users claim to have no weight loss from RK
Some RK users claim to have suffered from fatigue and a general feeling of not being well.
Some RK users claimed to experience high blood pressure and increased heart rate.
Synthetic vs. Natural:
Neither of these may work, that being said, there is no proof that the natural RK is any better than the synthetic. Be careful of high priced products that are not yet proven to work!
The cost is about $20 to $60+ per month.
The truth is that Raspberry Ketone has NO verifiable proof that it will help you with weight loss or obesity (disappointment #1)
The Truth is that we are shocked that Dr. Oz would endorse Raspberry Ketone (disappointment #2)
Not only does Dr. Oz endorse Raspberry Ketone, he calls it a "miracle in a bottle". It is not!
The Dr. Oz TV Show is a very popular health and weight loss TV program. If a health product or service is mentioned on the Dr. Oz Show, it can get catapulted to a new awareness. If Dr. Oz recommends a product or service, it can mean over night stardom! This kind of power is scary, but we thought that it was safe in the hands of Dr. Oz.
Since RK was praised by Dr. Oz, many are probably going to try it, regardless of what they read...now that you have learned the truth, we urge you to not to try it.
You are probably wasting your money. You are also likely to be wasting your time and energy on another weight loss failure. Most of us can only take so many weight loss failures.
Before you decide to try Raspberry Ketone, may I suggest that you browse our Website. You will find other weight loss alternatives with much more promise!
I give Raspberry Ketone "Two Thumbs Down"!
Thank you for reading, my friends, I wish you success with your weight loss quest.
Diet Pills and Diet Supplements certainly have an appeal. Take a pill and lose weight, what a great idea? It is a great idea for marketing, but it is NOT a great idea for losing weight.
Many diet pills and diet supplements simply do not work.
Waht this means to you is that all you are going to lose is your time and money.
Some Work!
Some diet products do work, however, so how can you separate the good from the bad?
Unfortunately, my research shows that the diet products that do work, help us lose about four ounces per week or a pound per month. An extra pound per month still adds up, but losing much more than that from a diet supplement is unlikely.
What can you do, if you are looking for a diet pill or supplement to help you to lose weight?
#1: Use our website..use our search box to see if we have a review of the product. For example, raspberry ketones gets twp thumbs down, but adding Apple Cider Vinegar or Coffee to your diet may have merit.
#2: Look for clinical studies or trials. Be sure that they have been done by a third party and that they are published.
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Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information presented here is accurate. These contents are, however, the views of the author and are meant for educational and informational purposes only.
All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.
No tips or information should be considered medical advice.
I make no warranty, express or implied, regarding your individual results.
Always seek the help of a professional health care provider before making any decisions regarding weight loss and your health.
Diabetes Section!
Unfortunately, one of the risks of being over weight is diabetes, Your risk of diabetes will lessen as you lose weight. On the other hand, if you have diabetes, or if you think that you might have diabetes, we invite you to our Diabetes Section.
You will find help, information, and education about Type1 and Type 2 diabetes as well as a diabetes risk test.
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About 30 years ago, I and my family were in a serious flash flood. A dam broke from rainfall of over 6"in a matter of hours. The water rose about 4 feet ABOVE the height of the ceiling of our apartment.
Somehow, almost immediately, the public auditorium was set up as a shelter and filled with beds, linens, towels, clothes and more...thank you Salvation Army.
In addition, bags loaded with needed toiletries such as tooth paste, tooth brush, razors, shaving cream and so on were available to all of us who were suddenly displaced flood victims. Thank you Red Cross.
I am still appreciative for such kindness and still shocked at how response was so rapid. These two causes are the best!