![]() Goji Berry, also known as Wolf Berry (Lycium Eleagnus Barbarum), The Goji Berry is grown primarily in the Far East. The berry is apparently indigenous to the Himalayan Mountains. The Goji Berry, today, is grown in the western mountains of China and in Inner Mongolia. The Chinese version of the Goji Berry seems to have the same effects as the Tibetan version. The Goji Berry grows on a tall shrub (about 8 to 10 feet tall) with long vines. These Goji Berry shrubs are actually covered with white and purple flowers during the summer and until fall, then these flowers turn into small red berries...Goji Berries. An unusual feature of the Goji Berry is that if it is touched before it is ripe, it gets bruised, then oxidizes, turns black and loses some of its potency. The Goji Berry is about the size of a raisin. |
The Himalayan people have traditionally used Goji Berries for years. The Tibetan healers have used this plant for treating all sorts of ailments, ranging from skin problems, to diabetes, kidneys, liver, eyes, anxiety, insomnia, tuberculosis, and more. Advertisement: The Goji Berry is credited with boosting the immune system, increasing longevity, restoring vitality, and improving overall health. It is claimed (but not proven) that Li Qing Yuen, who lived to be 252 years old (1678-1930), ate Goji Berries daily. Goji Berries are considered to be a powerful anti aging berry. Goji Root Bark: In addition to the Goji Berries having some prized medicinal powers, other parts of the Goji Berry plant can be used for medicinal purposes. The root bark help to control coughs, as well as lower fevers, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. In these Far East locations, the Goji Berry has been used for thousands of years, but the Goji Berry is relatively new to the Western world. Making Goji Berry Blast SmoothieThe Goji berry contains nutrients such as:
Advertisement: http://www.inkfarm.com Some of the Goji Berry's MYTHS! Goji Berries are also credited with powers that seem to be exaggerated and hyped, if not untrue! Specifically, the Goji Berry is claimed by some to be extremely high in Vitamin C. The average level of vitamin C is very good, but is comparable to other berries. Some of the Internet Marketers of Goji Berry products claim that the Tibetan and/or Himalayan Goji Berry is superior to the one grown in China. There is no scientific or clinical evidence to support this. Goji Berries are high in antioxidants and likely to have a positive effect on helping to reverse the effects of aging, but the correlation between Li Qing Yuen and Goji Berries is certainly not substantiated. ![]() Goji Berries, Almonds. Oatmeal Most Goji Juices, if not all, are a BLEND, of Goji or Wolf berry juice. What we do not like is that you are usually in the dark as to how much of the juice is actually made from Goji or Wolf Berry Juice. Organic and organically grow Goji Berries seem to be non-existent. Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides are commonly used for growing Goji Berries. In fact, Goji Berries have been under scrutiny by the FDA, due to high levels of insecticides and fungicides...to the point where some of the products were seized. After the Goji Berries are harvested, they are preserved by drying them in full sun or by mechanical dehydration and heating. China is the main supplier of the Goji Berries. China's annual yield of the Goji is around 100 tons, or about a $150 million industry. You can find Goji Berries in some foods such as granola bars, yogurt products, fruit purees, and juices. You can also eat them like a regular berry, add them to cereal, porridge, stews, baked dishes, trail mix, and more. A major effort is underway in Ningxia, China to use Goji Berries to produce "functional" wine. ![]() The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine conducted a clinical study of the Goji Berry for weight loss in 2008. The study revealed that there was no difference between the recipients of the Goji Berry juice and the recipients of the placebo regarding weight loss. This study is under attack due to the it design and its interpretations. Any clinical study is subject to scrutiny, but the attack, in this case, may have had help from the Goji Berry industry. The study did conclude that certain measures of health were improved by the Goji Berry and that further study in humans was necessary. ![]() According most of what we read Goji Berries have no side effects. There seem to be very few side effects, however you should be aware or some safety issues. As mentioned above, contamination due to herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and fertilizers is a concern. There were 2 case reports of two elderly women that suffered from increased bleeding. These two women were drinking quantities of Goji Berries tea. The Goji Berries apparently inhibited warfarin metabolism. Goji Berries contain a naturally occurring toxic alkaloid, atropine. Atropine levels are acceptable up to 40ppb, and the highest level in the Goji Berry was 19ppb. Advertisement: In 2007, Earl Mindell stated on CBC television that Goji Berry juice would prevent as much as 75% of breast cancer. Unfortunately, this statement turned out to be false. Earl Mindell claimed that the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York had made clinical studies that confirmed his statement. Sadly, no such studies had been made. Further disproof is that the National Cancer Institute of the US National Institutes of Health states that no agent, natural or pharmaceutical, has yet to be shown in clinical studies to prevent breast cancer...reduce but not prevent. There are no clinical research or studies, yet, that prove that Goji Berries or Goji Berry Juice have cancer preventive properties. In 2009, FreeLife in the United States District Court of Arizona was hit with a class action law suit for alleged misrepresentation, false claims, and deceptive advertising regarding Freelife's products, GoChi, TaiSlim, and Himalayan Goji Juice. ![]() In Conclusion: Goji Berries are berries, and berries are one of the best fruits that you can eat. All berries are high in antioxidants and nutrients. On the other hand, be careful that you make your decision about Goji Berry based on solid and sound information, rather than hype. On the Internet, Goji Berries are often represented to cure practically all your ills and will help you to live forever...why...so you will buy the product. I think that Goji Berry has value and merit and I do not believe that consuming almost any healthy berry can be a BAD choice, but I have found no scientific or clinical evidence that Goji Berries will help you to lose weight. In fact, the only evidence that I have found is that Goji Berries do NOT help you to lose weight. As a food, Goji Berry is great, but as an aid to weight loss, I give it a Thumbs Down! Thanks for reading, my friends, I wish you much success on your weight loss journey. Kind regards, George Pierce Founder WIN At Losing Weight ![]() Advertisement: Try eMeals Free for 14 Days |
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