Fat Smash Diet Food List ~ click here for Fat Smash Diet Review Foods that are allowed in phase 1: all fresh fruits all you can eat all vegetables all you can eat, but NO potatoes and NO avocados; vegetables can be raw or lightly cooked (steamed or grilled) one cup fresh-squeezed only fruit or vegetable juice per day one cup cooked unsweetened oatmeal, grits, farina, or cream of wheat daily up to four egg whites per day dried beans such as lentils or chickpeas 2 cups cooked brown rice daily two tablespoons per day of tahini tofu low fat yogurt, maximum of 12 oz (340 g) per day 2 cups low fat or non fat milk or soy milk daily up to two pickles per day one or two teaspoons of low-fat virgin olive oil for grilling low fat salad dressing, no more than three tablespoons per salad herbs and spices hot air popcorn, NO butter or margarine up to two tablespoons of artificial sweetener per day 2 cups daily of unsweetened decaffeinated herbal or green tea Water, all you want Foods that are not allowed during phase 1 include: meat cheese, including soy cheese bread nuts fast food fried food soda desserts coffee alcohol Rinse canned foods thoroughly to remove excess salt. Phase 1 is nine days, but you can choose to stay for1 for one to two weeks or longer. Advertisement: ![]() PHASE 2 which is called THE FOUNDATION. During Phase 2, the quantity of food is slightly increased and exercise is increased by 10-15%., Foods that you add during phase 2 include: 3 to 4 oz (85-110 g) turkey, chicken, lean meat, or fish daily, pork is not included another one-half cup of unsweetened hot cereal another one-half cup of unsweetened cold cereal one whole egg daily 1 oz (28 g) of cheese 2 teaspoons of peanut butter one-half avocado up to four teaspoons of sugar or artificial sweetener or one tablespoon of honey per day up to two teaspoons of salt per day and unlimited herbs and spices PHASE 3 called THE CONSTRUCTION The four-week construction stage mandates at least four meals per day. In this stage you add protein and whole grains. You are also allowed larger portions. You continue with ample amounts of fruits and vegetables. Exercise levels are now increased 25% to 45 minutes daily. Dr. Smith suggests exercising twice per day several days per week to boost metabolism. Phase 3 is a bit more lenient and allows: up to 5 oz (140 g) of meat daily seafood remains at 3 oz (85 g) two whole eggs are OK, daily four slices of wholegrain bread per day 1 cup of whole-wheat pasta 16 oz (475 ml) of fresh-squeezed fruit juice 1.3 oz (37 g) of low fat or fat free cheese per day 3 cups of skim or soy milk daily one daily dessert which can be one scoop of low-fat ice cream or two to three oreo sized chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal raisin cookies or graham crackers fat free mayonnaise 10 oz (300 ml) of coffee 2 cans of diet soda daily Dr. Smith recommends that you follow the phase 1 regimen at least one day a week during phase 3 to lose weight, If your weight loss goals are not met by the end of phase 3, you can repeat the previous phases as needed. The Fat Smash Diet by Ian K. Smith, M.D.--Audio book Excerpt PHASE 4—THE TEMPLE There are no foods that are banned. White starches such as potatoes and white rice are OK but in limited amounts You can have up to three glasses of wine or beer each week In phase 4, your exercise increases to one hour of moderate to intense exercise. and weight training is introduced. Exercise is five times per week. If you gain back any weight, You can return to phase 1 for about seven days. ![]() Advertisement: Learn More.... |
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