The Fat Smash Diet
by George Pierce |
The Fat Smash Diet is a 90 day diet plan by Dr. Ian Smith, MD. The idea is that you will 'smash' your bad habits and replace them with better choices and a better lifestyle.
What Is The Fat Smash Diet?
The Fat Smash diet is a 90 day plan to help you to lose weight and to change your relationship with food. Dr. Ian originally designed this plan for celebrities. It is a bestseller, the full name of the diet is The Fat Smash Diet: The Last Diet You’ll Ever Need.
Per Dr. Ian, the diet is meant to help you to rethink how you feel about food.
There are four phases to this diet:
Phase 1: The first phase is a 'detox' stage. This is a nine day vegetarian detox where you eat mostly produce. In this stage, fish, meat, pasta and alcohol are not allowed. Phase one is tough, but phase two eases up a bit.
Phase 2: This is the 'foundation' stage. You can now have fish, meat, some alcohol and some fat and healthy grains. Exercise time is also extended.
Phase 3: In this phase, which Dr. Ian the 'construction phase, you can add more foods to your diet. You will be putting more focus on controlling your portions.
Phase 4: Phase four is called the 'temple' phase. You can add more variety to your diet and you get help for getting on track if you have had any discretions earlier.
The hardest part is the first nine days, it may be quite a change from your regular diet.
Exercise: Exercise is a requirement. You begin with thirty minutes of cardio training each day and gradually add more. In Phase 4 , you will be adding weight training.
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What can you eat?
You can eat all the fruits and vegetables that you want. The accent is on fruits, vegetables, greens and legumes. Your focus is on foods that have high nutritional value.
Your first nine days food list:
-Fruit in any quantity
-Veggies in any quantity except:
-No white potatoes
-No avocados
-Brown rice, two cups of cooked rice per day
-Skim milk, two cups per day
-Oatmeal, one cup per day
-Herbs and spices
-Low fat yogurt, 6 oz., two times per day
-Egg whites, Four cups per day
-Herbal tea, two cups per day
-Low fat dressing, No more than three tablespoons per salad
-Low fat virgin olive oil, one or two teaspoons if grilling veggies
Click Here for the list of foods allowed for each stage.

Fat Smash Diet Rules:
Eat four to five small meals daily about three to four hours apart.
Do not eat at least one and one half hours before bedtime.
Stop eating when you are satisfied.
Eat foods that are raw, steamed, baked, or grilled.
Avoid stress.
Do not skip a meal.
Before you begin, Dr. Smith encourages you to find a partner, weight and record your pre-diet weight, record your BMI, and take photographs of yourself.
Does It work?
Yes. The Fat Smash Diet is not meant to be a fast weight loss plan, but the first stage is quite restrictive and the second is somewhat restrictive which should lower your caloric intake. Adding exercise should mean weight loss.
Lose weight
A healthy diet which is low in saturated fat and high in fruits and veggies.
Lower cholesterol
Lower blood pressure
Reduce your risk of heart disease
Lower blood sugar levels
Support online which is "Shredder nation"...the Shredder Diet is a faster version but many Fat Smash Dieters are in this group.
You will need to plan and prepare your meals.
No convenience foods
Dining out will be difficult
Health risk about 'detox' diets are not known
Starts off very restrictive
You ease up rather than ease in
Only a 90 day plan, no long term support
No in person meetings
Gaining back some weight later on, is normal with this kind of diet.
Exercise is a must, which is good, unless you hate exercise or have physical limitations
Dr. Ian Smith's diet is a healthy diet (especially, once you reach stage three). There are a number of hurdles to overcome with this diet, so look at the negatives. If one or more of the negatives are a 'deal breaker', this diet is NOT for you. I like this diet, but due to its difficult in the early stages and due to the fact that it does not go beyond the 90 days, you may have difficulty with it. I give the diet a thumbs up, but this diet is not for everyone.
Thank you for reading, my friends, I wish you much success on your weight loss journey.
Kind regards,
George Pierce
Founder of Win At Losing Weight

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Dr Ian Smith, MD.
Dr. Ian Smith, physician, TV personality, and best selling author, is best know for his TV appearances on NBC News, The View, and Celebrity fit Club on
Dr. Smith has also been on “The Tyra Banks Show,” “Larry King Live,” “Anderson Cooper 360,” “Showbiz Tonight,” “The Verdict with Dan Abrams,” "Rachael Ray Show," and "The Opie and Anthony Show.
Dr. Smith launched the 50 Million Pound Challenge , a national health crusade meant to motivate people to take control of their health. It promotes exercise, getting fit, and nutrition.
Dr. Ian Smith, MD. has been appointed to the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition.
This committee is an advisory group that helps the President regarding ways to develop physical activity, fitness, sports and nutrition programs for all Americans.
Dr. Smith has published eight books relating to weight loss as well as a novel called 'The Blackbird Papers.'.