Diabetes Forums and Communities:
By George Pierce

Forums and communities are an excellent source of help, information, and support.

ADA Support Community
American Diabetes Association Support Community

The ADA Support Community says that "diabetes is a journey. 
There is a lot to learn, but you don't have to go do it alone"


forum logo

Diabetes Forum 

The Diabetes Forum has nearly 25,000 members and an extensive article section.

diabetes connect

Diabetes Connect

From understanding diabetes to treatments, recipes and discussions, Diabetes Connect is a place to gain knowledge and 'connect'.

Global diabetes forum
Diabetes Daily Forum

The Diabetes Daily Forum has over 130,000 members. 
You will find Diabetes discussions, recipes, books, and more.

Global Diabetes Forum

The Global Diabetes Community 

The Global Diabetes Community say, "Join 552,285 members today + get free access to diabetes education."


Children with diabetes logo

Children With Diabetes Forum

The Children with Diabetes Forum has been online since 1995.

tudiabetes logo
Tu Diabetes Forum

Tu Diabetes Forum is "a community of people touched by diabetes, a program of the Diabetes Hands Foundation".

May I suggest that you visit the Categories Section for a more organized view of the forum. http://www.tudiabetes.org/forum/categories

Healthful Chat diabetes

Diabetes Chat Room

"HealthfulChat is here to give those living with diabetes mellitus, or more simply put, diabetes, a place to receive the peer support they deserve"

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