What are people searching for regarding diets?
by George Pierce

Google search

The Top Ten Rising Diet Searches on Google are:

google diet treends 2017
google diet trends 2017
Santa Clarita Diet Logo
The Santa Clarita Diet 

The Santa Clarita Diet is a TV show on Netflix, not a diet.

It was met with positive reviews regarding the cast and 
the story and some negative reviews regarding its 
graphic content. 
The Emily Ratajkowski Diet 

The Emily Ratajkowski Diet is also not a diet. Emily, has however, shared what she typically eats in a single day. Since she is considered to be ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD, you may be interested to know what she revealed about her eating habits.

“Every day…I get this pastry called kouign-amann with my black coffee,” Emily told Harper’s Bazaar, US. “I always pretend that I don’t know what I’m getting. I’m like ‘Umm, hmm, I guess I’ll get a kouign-amann?’ They’e like, ‘Uh-huh’.”

Her lunch is a healthy sandwich or salad. Em loves to drink lots of water each day.

Emily Ratjkowski, 25 year old super model and actress.

For dinner she usually includes animal protein. “I really like to eat meat. I crave iron…I like to keep it really balanced to give my body energy and also be healthy.” she told Elle.

Regarding exercise, she shares, “I really like to hike. L.A. is a great place for that. And doing yoga a couple of times a week is a really big part of my regimen.”
The Yes You Can Diet

The Yes You Can Diet is based on 'Transform Kits' which are
designed to provide you with nutrition that you meed along
with motivational and educational help. 

The most popular 'Transform Kit', called On The Go 60,
replaces two meals per day.  You get meal replacements and
 supplements.  At the time of this post the kit costs $283.79
on the Yes You Can website. 

It was selling for $214.99 on eBay.

Garcinia Cambogia Review

5-2 Diet Review

Military Diet Review and 3 Day Military Diet Review

The 2 Week Diet



Are Rising Diet Searches A Good Indicator?


Following the latest trend in diets is usually a mistake.  I am sorry to say this, but I do NOT recommend any of the top ten rising diets.

The top two are not even diets!

When it comes to diets, find the one that fits YOU.  This is a critical step towards winning at losing weight. 

If you need help with finding the right diet, our website can be invaluable. 

Pounds melt away!  Lose 8-16 pounds in 14 days!


 You will discover that our diet reviews are candid and straight forward.  The information on each diet will include both the positives and the negatives which helps you to find that one diet which is best for you.

YOU is the keyword.  What works for celebrities, movie stars and others has no bearing on whether it will work for you.  Proper research on your part will help you make better decisions about your weight loss choices. 

You will find our diet reviews under the Resources Tab at the top of each web page.



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Do NOT Follow The Crowd!

Following the crowd is a typical weight loss mistake.  If it works for others, it should work for you...does not apply to weight loss.  It might work, it might not, that is where research will save you the time and heart ache of making bad weight loss choices.

Of course, many weight loss products, plans, programs, and services use this strategy to prey on you and me and everyone else. 

Each of us are different with different lifestyles, different preferences, and different schedules.  Each of us have unique weight loss requirements.

Our website, Win At Losing Weight, is here to help you to discover your own personal weight loss requirements and how to fulfill those requirements. 

The whole purpose of this site and its resources is to enable you to learn how to WIN at losing weight.  We can and will help you in ways you never knew existed, if you will let us. 

I urge you to return often and  learn as much as you can.  When you are ready, join us as a free member and take advantage of our member site, member benefits, and training course.

I got tired of being a 'lifetime' weight loss client and I decided to do something about it.   Win At Losing Weight can empower you to do the same.

Thank you for reading and allow me to wish you much success on your weight loss journey. 

Kind regards,
George Pierce
Win At Losing Weight Founder



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keto recipes


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