F.A.S.T. Diet Review

F.A.S.T. Diet (Families Always Succeed Together) is the result of Tony Dean and his family deciding to lose weight as a family.   
 What is the F.A.S.T. diet?

 Tony Dean and his family had a lifelong problem of overweight.  In 2006, Tony, the oldest son of Mike and Sheila Dean, was inspired by the teamwork on the TV show, The Biggest Loser.  After some research, Tony involved his whole family on a quest to lose weight.  In one year, the Dean family lost a total of 501 pounds!

The  diet is based on lowering your caloric intake.  
The Diet Menu is about 20% fat, 20% protein, and 60% carbs.  

Does it work?

Yes!  The Deans also encouraged 100 other people in their hometown of Omaha to lose weight.  The result was a loss of 1400+ pounds in five weeks.  Since thenThe diet has helped other groups to lose weight, one group lost over 25,000 pounds!

happy gal


A 30 day satisfaction guarantee for online members
Lowering calories is a proven method to achieve wieight loss
Flexible menu
Superior PERSONAL support
Easy to follow
Best of Omaha Winner, 2013 to 2016
Available through Amazon


Counting...the diet is based on calories
Eating out can be a problem in determining the calories in what you are ordering.
Their website comparison is a bit misleading.  (comparing membership costs with food vs. membership without food)


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The F.A.S.T. Diet seems to be one that works and can be maintained.  It provides an easy path to follow and is flexible enough to make getting started relatively easy and to make maintenance doable.  

What really pleases us about this diet is that it includes some of the missing information that other diets fail to provide.  There is more to losing weight than diet and exercise and most diets fail to enlighten dieters about these missing details.  Tony covers them well.

  I give The F.A.S.T. Diet a THUMBS UP!.  

Thank you for reading, my friends.  I wish you success on your weight loss journey.

Kind regards,
George Pierce
Win At The Losing Founder


The Red Tea Detox

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