Carb Cycling Meal Plans

Carb Cycling Meal Plans
By George Pierce
George Pierce photo
caarb cycling oatmeal breakfast

Carb Cycling Meal Plans are different for men and women.  F0r women an average of 1200 calories per day and for men an average of 1500 calories per day is considered a good target for your low carb days and slightly more on high carb days. 

The secret to making carb cycling work , is to come up with a combination of meals that are the right fit for you.  

Typically a carb cycling diet consists of alternating high and low carb days, six days a week and a reward day for the seventh.  In order to lose weight, you might consider four or even five low carb days and two high carb days.  It is not recommended to schedule back to back high carb days.

To gain weight or to add muscle, then four or five high carb days may be best.

carb cycling meal plan

 Typical low-carb day:

7 a.m:  2 eggs scrambled with 1/2 bell pepper
10 a.m: protein shake with berries
1 p.m: 4 ounce grilled chicken with 1 cup asparagus
4 p.m: 1/3 cup oatmeal with almonds (about 10)
7 p.m: 4 ounce steak with 2 cups steamed broccoli and cauliflower


Typical high-carb day:

7 a.m: 1/2 cup of oatmeal with berries or nuts
10 a.m: whole apple with 2 tbsp. of  peanut butter
1 p.m: half of a turkey sandwich using whole wheat bread
4 p.m: 1 cup of three-bean salad with a cup of quinoa
7 p.m: 4 ounce grilled chicken with a cup of whole-wheat pasta and pesto

7 day carb cycling meal plan

Five Quick and Easy Low Carb Meals to get you started:

eggs and vegetables low carb breakfast

Scrambled Eggs and Vegetables.

Eggs, Spinach, Frozen Vegetable Mix (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans).
 Coconut oil.
Add coconut oil to frying pan and turn up the heat, then add mixed vegetables.  Add eggs (2 to 4).  Add salt, pepper, and spinach.  Stir until ready.

eggs low carb breakfast

Eggs and Bacon
Ingredients:  Bacon, Eggs
Directions:  Fry bacon until cooked, removed bacon or move to the side, and cook eggs (2-4) in bacon grease.

bunless cheeseburgers low carb meal

Bunless Cheese Burger

Ingredients:  Burgers, Cheddar Cheese, Cream Cheese, Salsa, Spinach.
Directions:  Cook burger in butter until almost ready, add cheese and cream cheese on top and allow to begin to melt, serve on a bed of spinach.  

chicken pieces

Fried Chicken Breast

Ingredients:  Chicken Breast, lettuce or spinach, Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Curry, Butter.
Directions:  Cut up chicken breast into small pieces and fry in butter.  Add salt, pepper, garlic powder, and curry to taste, and continue to stir fry until chicken is brown.  Serve on a bed of lettuce or spinach.

poached sole with capers in pan

Poached Sole and Capers

Ingredient:  3/4 cup of dry white wine, a pound of sole fillets, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp capers, 2 tbsp chopped chives. 1/4 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp pepper.
Directions:  Heat wine in a large skillet over medium heat, add sole and drizzle with olive oil and add salt and pepper, then sprinkle capers over top and cover. Cook until ready, about 4-5 minutes, then sprinkle with chives  Spoon wine and caper sauce over sole and serve.  Makes several servings.  

To learn more about Carb Cycling, please visit my Carb Cycling Diet Review.

Thanks for reading, my friend, I wish you much success on your weight loss journey.

Kindest Regards,
George Pierce
Win At Losing Weight Founder


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