The Brown Fat Revolution Diet:

Trigger Your Body's Good Fat to Lose Weight and Be Healthier

A diet review by George Pierce
George Pierce

The Brown Fat Diet Revolution is a diet created by Dr. James Lyons, author of The Brown Fat Revolution and plastic surgeon.  

What is it?  

Dr. Lyons claims that brown fat is good for you, that it is healthy and that it keeps your body firm and looking young.  

How does it work?  

Yellow fat, according to Dr. Lyons. is bad fat.  On the other hand, Dr. Lyons says that brown fat is good.   Dr; Lyons says that yellow fat makes us flabby and soft and makes us look old.   Human fat consists of white and brown adipose tissue (WAT and BAT). 

The idea behind The Brown Fat Revolution is that all fat is not bad for you. Certain fats, specifically, brown fat naturally exists in our body. Brown fat is considered healthy for your body.  It is firm and resilient in its physical form, thus adding a youthful appearance.

On the other hand, yellow fat is soft and mushy and is considered unhealthy.  Brown fat is what we commonly think of as excess fat.

Brown fat burns energy, yellow fat stores it.  Newborns have large amounts of brown fat to help regulate body temperature and to stay warm. As our body becomes more adept at regulating temperature, our brown fat tends to go away.  If our diet or fitness is lacking, brown fat will be replaced with yellow fat, the kind of fat that jiggles and wiggles, the kind we do not want.


Until 2009, most of the medical community seemed to feel that brown fat was almost all gone by adulthood and that it was no longer active.  In the beginning of 2009, several studies indicated that  brown fat was still present and that it may be a link to a lean and healthy body.   "See Brown fat as a therapy for obesity and diabetes, NIH, by Aaron M. Cypess and C. Ronald Kahn"  

Since 2009, it has been discovered that the percentage of adults with brown fat that can be activated and detected seems quite high.   One study using cold stimulation to increase BAT activity and detection showed that among younger people, 96% have functional brown fat. The conclusion is that brown fat is present and can be activated in most adult humans.

In The Brown Fat Revolution, Dr.Lyons sheds a positive light on brown fat and shows you how it can make you look younger and healthier. His book includes a four week eating plan and includes an exercise routine.  The exercise focuses on strength training rather than cardio.

In order to keep your metabolism active and on an even keel, you eat six times per day, six days per week.  One day per week, you are allowed to eat what you want (within reason).  The diet centers  around alternating between carbohydrates and proteins which keeps your blood sugar even and helps you avoid fat production.  You can eat most foods including pastas, whole grain breads, and cereals.  You can also have high starch vegetables and high carb fruits.  Caffeine and a daily glass of wine are also permitted.  


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You need to avoid processed foods, sweeteners, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.  Dr. Lyons suggests that you take a daily vitamin/ mineral supplement.

Your day might look like this;:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal and apples with cinnamon, skim milk, along with whole wheat toast and peanut butter and berries
  • Snack: Non-fat yogurt and a small portion of trail mix
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with tuna or salmon topped with olive oil and vinegar, a small apple, and whole wheat crackers
  • Snack: Raw vegetables with hummus
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, brown rice, steamed broccoli, and broth-based soup
  • Snack: Air-popped popcorn
Dr. James Lyons photo
Dr. James Lyons is not only a plastic surgeon, 
he is also a seasoned bodybuilder, fitness and nutritional expert. 

Does it work?

Yes.  Any diet that avoids processed foods and sweeteners and focuses on sensible eating and exercise should help you to lose weight.


You have a wide selections of food choices.
Your food costs should not change.
The Brown Fat Revolution includes both exercise and diet.
It dispels the myth that eating fat makes you fat.
It encourages the eating of healthy fats for optimal health and weight.


No clinical studies or trials have yet proved that brown fat actually keeps you slimmer.
High brown fat levels means higher incidences of cancer and hyperthyroidism.
This diet is fairly consistent with other high protein, low carb diets.
There will be a small cost for exercise equipment...two exercise bungee cords, a door anchor strap, metal clasps for the bungee cord, and a padded ankle strap.
Only about 50% of users give The Brown Revolution Diet a 4 or 5 star rating.
No packaged or processed foods will mean that you will need to take the time to plan and prepare your meals.

Customer Reviews

5 star   39%
4 star   11%
3 star   25%
2 star   7%
1 star   18%

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I am in agreement that some fat is good for us.  I feel that this diet is worthy of your consideration, since you have a wide range of food choices, it includes exercise, and allows for a 'free day' each week.   Although there are no studies that offer proof that brown fat is good, the overall diet and exercise plan should help you to be healthier and to lose weight as long as you use common sense on your free day.  I give the Brown Fat Revolution a thumbs up.

Thank you for reading, my friend, I wish you much success on your weight loss journey.

Kindest regards,
George Pierce

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