How does Alli work?
Alli is a fat blocker, which means that it prevents your body from absorbing fat. Technically it blocks an enzyme called lypase. Since lypase is needed to absorb fat, use of Alli means fat is passed through your body rather than being digested.
Fat is high in calories, so using Alli means a reduction in caloric intake which can mean weight loss.

Does Alli work?
YES! Alli has been shown to aid in weight loss.
Side effects:
Oily stools
Fecal Incontinence
Urgent Bowel Movements
Alli was thought to cause liver damage, but was vindicated in a UK study.
Absorption of fat soluble vitamins will be blocked (A, D, E, K)

At the time of this post Alli was nearing $.50 per capsule. At 3 capsules per day, 120 capsules as seen above was selling at Walmart for about $57.00, which relates to around $42.75 per month.
The TRUTH about Alli:
Although Alli is half the dose of Xenical, it is estimated to block about 25% vs. 30% for Xenical. Larger doses do not equal more fat blocking. Alli does aid weight loss along with diet and exercise, but the result is only about 5 lbs. per year, less than a 1/2 pound per month.
Vitamin A Deficiency: Night blindness is an indicator of this condition called VAD. VAD can also lower the immune system, cause cancer, and birth defects. Lack of vitamin A leads to suppressed cell replication and proliferation.
Vitamin D Deficiency: According to the NY Times, if we lack any Vitamin, it is probably Vitamin D (Personal Health 7-27-10). Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and lack of it will result in diseases like osteoporosis in adults. Studies also show that the effects of a vitamin D deficiency include an elevated risk of developing (and dying from) cancers of the colon, breast and prostate; high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease; osteoarthritis; and immune-system abnormalities that can result in infections and autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin E Deficiency: Abetalipoproteinemia is an inherited disorder of fat metabolism that results in poor absorption of dietary fat and vitamin E. The vitamin E deficiency associated with this disease can cause difficulties such as poor transmission of nerve impulses, muscle weakness, and degeneration of the retina that can result in blindness.
Vitamin K Deficiency: Lack of Vitamin K contributes to bone problems such as bone loss and loss of bone density and reduces blood clotting. Common side effects are gum bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, nose bleeding, and easy bruising and also include bleeding within the digestive tract and blood in the urine.

Most diet pills do not work, so I am glad to share the fact that Alli does work. The fact that you will lose an extra 1/2 lb. per month, however, is rather disappointing. Alli is a drug and is manufactured (not natural). It has side effects such as fecal incontinence which I find disturbing.
In addition, the fact that it blocks absorption of Vitamins A,D,E, and K; makes it impossible for me to recommend that you use Alli.
I do not feel that the small gain in weight loss is worth your risk. I hope that this review will help you to agree.
I give Alli two thumbs down.
Thank you for reading, my friends, I wish you success on your weight loss journey.
George Pierce
Win At Losing Weight

