The Win At Losing Weight Blog

Diets That Lower Insulin Levels



Avocado is thought to naturally lower insulin levels

Diets That Lower Insulin Levels

Most diets actually help you to lower insulin levels.  Most diets reduce or eliminate foods that might spike your insulin levels.  A diet that is based on lowering insulin levels to lose weight may be a good diet, but lower insulin levels to lose weight is not yet proven.  These diets should work, however, since they lower your caloric intake.  

If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, see your health care professional.  A diet that lowers your insulin levels can help your diabetes as well as help you shed pounds.  

If you are not diabetic or pre-diabetic, lower insulin levels are often a result of weight loss or diet, but are probably not the cause of weight loss.  

For more information, visit our Diabetes Section.

The Diabetes Section


The Diabetes Section is open!

Recently the Diabetes Section opened at Win At Losing Weight.   If you are concerned with losing weight, it may be a good idea to learn a little about diabetes.  Extra weight seems to trigger diabetes.  What you will find is help and information, for example a list of diabetes forums and communities, resources, and more.  

Do You Have Diabetes?

Many of us have diabetes and do not know that we do.  You will also find a diabetes risk test which will help you to determine if you have diabetes as well as your chances of getting diabetes.

Not sure if you have diabetes?


Do You Have Diabetes?

About one in eleven people have diabetes.  Many people, however, do not know that they have this disease.  If you think you might have diabetes, but are not sure, please read my article, Diabetes Mellitus Explained.  

Click Here for Diabetes Mellitus Explained.

Click Here for The Diabetes Lie.

Click Here for The Diabetes Library.
