Why I Flip Flopped on the Zero Belly Diet  
By George Pierce
Win Al Losing Weight Founder

how much weight can you lose in 14 days b4 and after

Before I researched the Zero Belly Diet, I was quite certain that it was not going to be worth your while.
One of the selling features of the Zero Belly Diet is that you can lose weight fast!   Quick weight loss may
sound good, but it is NOT good.  

With a quick weight loss diet, whatever weight you lose is likely to return, in fact, you will probably weight more later,
than when you started.  

In addition, most fast weight loss diets tend to do more harm than good, both physically and mentally.

Mentally, when you think fast weight loss, you are preparing yourself for a short term diet.  Your mindset is
short term and your methods are short term...all of which is the exact opposite of what a good weight loss
plan is all about.  You are not only setting yourself up for failure, you are unknowingly learning how to fail
in your future weight loss attempts as well.  

Since the Zero Belly Diet is touted as a quick weight loss diet, it was destined for a bad review!

I gave the Zero Belly Diet a good review, click here to learn why.