The Win At Losing Weight Blog

Free Ebooks for Weight Loss, Diet, and Exercise!


Free Ebooks for Weight Loss, Diet, and Exercise!


I have recently added a library section for non members of Win At Losing Weight.

The Member area has had a library since the beginning, but non members now also have access

to some of our ebooks.  No email address is required.  The books are digital, so you can download 

them and begin enjoying them almost immediately.  

The two newest additions are:

super foods originality ecover insomniac ecver

Click Here to visit our new library.

Win At Losing Weight Website Update!


Win At Losing Weight Website Update!

Due to a software glitch, I have not been able to add new content to our present website version.

After repeated attempts to fix the problem, I opted to change software. 

What Does This Mean To You?

Our new site software is eight time faster!  Faster loading sites are preferred by all, especially for
those visitors who are using mobile devices.

Our original content is new and improved!  The transition to our new version has not been a
simple and automatic transfer, as expected, but the content is be upgraded and updated where

Our library is being expanded.  In addition to our member library, I have added another weight loss
library for non members. 

A recipes section has been added.  I love to eat and I have discovered that there are all kinds of healthy
and delicious recipes and meals that are simple and quick.  Easy recipes may be just what some
of our visitors need.


Sorry For any inconvenience.

In an effort to make sure that no diet, exercise, article, etc. is excluded or missing, both versions of our site
are available.  I apologize for any confusion.

Upon completion:

Once the conversion is complete, you will be redirected for our original version
to our new version 
You will notice a new look and more user friendly navigation.

Thank you!

I thank you for bearing with us and wish you success on your weight loss journey.

George Pierce
Founder Win At Losing Weight

The Personality Type Diet Review

The Personality Type Diet is a diet the tailors itself to your 

eating and exercising personality.  The diet was created by 

Dr. Robert Kushner, an obesity expert, and his wife Nancy, an RN.

Visit the Personality Type Diet Review:
Visit Win At Losing Weight Home Page:



What should you look for in an exercise plan?

wldw-exercise-to-lose-weight-fastexercise girl with tape

What should you look for in an exercise plan?

When considering an exercise plan, the following are a list of what to look for:

  • Step by step process
  • Aerobic (cardio training)
  • Anaerobic (muscle or strength training)
  • Ability to customize
  • Includes monitoring your food intake
  • 30 minutes or more of exercise per session
  • Warm up (usually stretches or low intensity movements)
  • Cool down (also stretches or low intensity movements)
  • Sleep and rest
  • Short and long term (maintenance) strategy

You must also use your own common not over step your abilities.

You may be amazed at what you can achieve, but you must work your way to the top, so do not bite off more than you can chew. 

If you are beginner, then start with a beginner plan or a customizable plan that will work for you.


The benefits that you will receive from a good exercise plan
go far beyond weight loss!

Did you know that exercise dramatically helps your brain! Thank goodness, you discovered this fact before it was too late-grin!  

You will find that in just a short while that you will be thinking more clearly and more quickly.  Your mood will improve.  You will also be helping to stave off dementia in later years.  

Exercise will also improve muscle tone, create more muscle mass, and reduce fat mass.  Guess what? Muscles burn more calories.  Even when you are not exercising you will be burning more calories!   
Ladies, you are more likely to lose weight more slowly than men, since you normally have less muscle.  

Exercise promotes a stronger heart and a lower heart rate which is great for your heart and your circulatory system.  

Exercise also keeps your bones strong, helps you to relax and sleep better, improves your immune system, and even improves your skin.

Remember that exercise is an essential part of the weight loss success triangle.

For more help, I welcome you to take a free tour, click here.

dieting joke

Five of the Most Frequently Asked Weight Loss Questions


Five of the Most Frequently Asked Weight Loss Questions

You can probably relate to one or more of these five questions.  Perhaps you have asked one yourself. Below you will find five of the most frequently asked questions regarding losing weight.

If I am on a diet, do I still need to exercise to lose weight?

Are all calories the same?

Does it matter what time you eat?

Perhaps, one of the most important questions is:

How many calories should I eat?

A more recent question and one that I may answer differnetly than most is:

What is gluten?

For my answers, click here.


Over 15 Million People Love This Weight Loss Exercise Plan!


Exercise is certainly an integral part of weight loss success.  Some people are exercise fanatics that are addicted to exercise, but most of us avoid it.  

Why do most of us avoid exercise?

We consider it to be a four letter word called WORK and WORK is not fun.  Since most of us have never learned the skills that we need to lose weight, we may not admit it, but our mindset is that our weight loss plans will eventually fail.  So failure is imminent, deep down, some of us feel that exercise is therefore a waste of time.  Shame on us and we know it, but since we feel that our weight loss efforts are doomed, why should we work at something (exercise) that does not work.  

Of course we are wrong and we know it, but our emotional side which is sure of doom will win.

How can we stop this thought process? 


You have just made a significant first step toward a weight loss break through!  HUH?  

In order to WIN at losing weight, you need a diet plan (eating lifestyle) that will work for you in the short term and in the long term, one that you can live with and enjoy.  In addition, you need an exercise plan that you enjoy, one that you look forward to.  You need to learn a few simple weight loss skills that will help you with improving your thought process regarding weight loss as well as your habits.


Get the help you need to WIN at losing weight!

You will find the help you need with diet and exercise at Win At Losing Weight.  Some diets are great, many are a waste of your time, a few are literally deadly.  My website will help you make a smart choice.  About the only negative regarding exercise is when it is done to excess or done wrong.  An exercise that has over 15,000,000 participants weekly and continues to grow is Zumba Dance.  Why?  It is a great way to burn calories, but more importantly, it is FUN.  My Zumba Dance Review includes a free workout for beginners so you can see if Zumba is for you.   

You will learn the simple weight loss skills that no one has told you, should you decide to become a free member.  These skills and much more are a  part of a free 30 day training course for members only.  

Weight loss is not impossible and does not have to end in failure, weight loss is a matter of knowing how.  

Thank you for reading my friends and much success on your weight loss journey.

George Pierce

Win At Losing Weight Founder
