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Which Diets Are The Best?

Finding the best diet makes good sense.  Finding the one that is the perfect fit is an important step towards winning at losing weight. 

When searching for that perfect diet, there is a pitfall that you want to avoid.

Following the Crowd:

What is everyone else looking at?  Unfortunately, if you look at the top 10 most searched (most Googled) diets, you will find that one of them is not even a diet, five of the top ten diets are probably a bad choice, and one of these diets is harmful to your health.  This leaves three that are worth your consideration.  If you follow the crowd, you will find that you have a 70% chance of making a bad choice.  Bad diet choices equal diet failures.

Following the Experts:

The best ranking of diets is probably the one done by the experts for U.S. News.  This year, U.S. News has ranked the top 39 diets.

Each of the 39 diets is worthy of your consideration.  If one of these 39 choices seem like a perfect fit, you have a 100% chance of choosing a good diet by following the experts vs. a 30% chance by following the crowd.

Finding the perfect diet means finding the one that fits YOU.  This step is so important, so please take the time to make a thoughtful decision.